Meat buying made easy

May 28, 2008

The San Francisco Chronicle today includes a brief story about new meat clubs forming in the Bay Area.The idea is borrowed from small-scale farms who offer subscriptions to their farms in programs called community supported agriculture (CSA). The subscriber receives a box with a variety of fruits and vegetables each week. Instead of farm-fresh produce, the meat CSAs offer speciality meats, like grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, local pork or goat meat.

The Chronicle article details three Bay area meat CSAs and touches on a Sonoma County meat club initiated by UC Cooperative Extension.

UCCE's Sonoma County Meat Buying Club has been surprised by the demand, the article said.

"We were hoping for 50 in the first month and shipped to 66. Now we're up to 140 members," the story quoted Jacqueline Rotlisberger, club coordinator.

For more on the Sonoma County Meat Buying Club, check out the club's blog.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist