Livestock Resources
Across California, the University of California’s Cooperative Extension offices are problem-solving centers—the bridge between local issues and the power of UC research. Our county-based staff is part of the community; we live and work in the areas we serve. We are stewards, problem-solvers, catalysts, collaborators, and educators.
We're happy to welcome a new advisor to the Central Sierra Multi-County Partnership. Dan Macon brings a wealth of information and resources to add to the work our previous advisors have accomplished and compiled here. Clicking on the image below will take you to his site with extensive information for ranch and livestock producers about ranch economics, pasture and rangelands, stockmanship, targeted grazing, wildfire and disasters, and drought in Northern California.
General Livestock
- Breeds of Livestock, Oklahoma State University
- Drought Feeding
- Drought Tips for Feeding Beef Cattle and Sheep, Animal Science Department, UC Davis
- Virtual Fencing
Proposed USDA Meat Processing Facility in the Central Sierra - Project
- Please, click here to see the 2023 Survey Results Report.
- Please, click here to see the 2023 Poster presented at the California Cattlemen's Association Conference.
- Annual Range Forage Production Series
- Annual Rangeland Forage Quality, ANR Pub 8022
- Balancing Beef Cow Nutrient Requirements and Season, ANR Pub 8021
- Basic Beef Production Guidelines, Penn State Extension
- Beef Care Practices, ANR Pub 8257
- Body Condition Scoring, UCCE Placer/Nevada Counties Publication 31-619
- Cost Studies: Sample costs for Beef Cattle Yearling/Stocker Production, UC Cooperative Extension, Sacramento County
- Cost Studies: Sample costs for an Organic Cow-Calf Operation, ANR Pub 8282
- Cost Studies: Sample Costs for Beef Cattle Finished on Grass
- Drought Feeding and Management for Cattle, Dept of Primary Industries, State Government Victoria
- Drinking Water Quality Guidelines for Cattle, UK Cooperative Extension
- Factors and Practices that Influence Livestock Distribution, ANR Pub 8217
- Feeding Rice Straw to Cattle, ANR Pub 8079
- Flies on California Cattle, Department of Entomology, University of California
- Guide to Raising Healthy Beef Cattle, UW Extension
- Guidelines for Describing Grazing Management & Utilization, ANR Pub 7225
- Guidelines for Residual Dry Matter (RDM) Management, ANR Pub 8092
- Keeping Cows Cool, Where Do I Start?, Kansas State University
- Livestock publications through the ANR Calalog
- Raising Beef on a Few Acres, Utah State University Extension
- Sediment Delivery Inventory and Monitoring: A Method for Water Quality Management in Rangeland Watersheds, ANR Pub 8014
- Selecting a Beef Breed, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia
- Shade Options for Grazing Cattle, UK Cooperative Extension Service
- Understanding and Improving Beef Cattle Carcass Quality, ANR Pub 8130
- Use of Feed Inventory Records to Reduce Nutrient Loading at Dairy Operations: Producer Options, ANR Pub 8277
- Visual Assessment of Riparian Health, ANR Pub 8089
- Water Quality Treatment for Livestock Feeding and Exercise Areas, ANR Pub 8210
- Weight vs Shape: Beef Cattle, ANR Leaflet 2942
Goats & Sheep
- Cost Study: Sample Costs for a Goats for Meat Operation in Northern California, UC Cooperative Extension
- Criteria to Selecting Goat Breeding Stock, Alabama A&M & Auburn University Cooperative Extension System
- Dairy Goat Production, Penn State Extension
- Meat Goat Production, Penn State Extension
- Raising Dairy Goat Kids, ANR Pub 8160
- Sheep Selection Tools, Penn State Extension
- Sustainable Goat Production: Dairy Goats, ATTRA
- Sustainable Goat Production: Meat Goats, ATTRA
- Establishing and Managing Irrigated Pasture for Horses, ANR Pub 8486
Poisonous Plants to Livestock and Other Animals
Other Resources
Since the millennial drought of 2012-2016, I've developed a habit of periodically checking the U.S. Drought Monitor, especially during our “normal” rainy season. Sometimes, I've found that the weekly map doesn't reflect the on-the-ground...
Matchmaking grazing animals with grass and rangelands to reduce wildfire fuel & feed livestock.