12200-B Airport Road
Jackson, CA 95642
Introduction to Gardening in Amador County
NOW is a great time to be planning your 2025 gardening activity, whether you are considering vegetables, berries, fruit trees, flowers, or changing your home landscaping. Seed catalogs are available, and cooler weather provides time to review the many choices and make some plans.In this class, we will provide introductory gardening insights relevant to planting and maintaining a home garden and landscape in Amador County,based on UC research and Master Gardener local experience.Topics will include:
-Local gardening considerations
-Healthy soil
-What do you want to grow?--Choosing the right plant for the right place
-Encouraging pollinators while managing pests and critters
And bring any gardening questions!
Registration is requested. To register, follow the link https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=44188
Walk-ins are also welcome!