Deer Management Program Publications - (Dept of Fish and Game) Provides information on deer resistant plants, the application of commercial deer repellents, and the construction of deer-proof fencing as well as other information.
California Backyard Orchard - Topics include site considerations, tree selection, propagation, preparation & planting, first year care, irrigation, pollination, pruning & more.
California Native Plant Society - Information on plants native to CA with photos, and links to other native plant information.
California Wildflowers - A guide to 128 species, provided by the Calif. Academy of Sciences. Look up by color, common or scientific name, or family.
Deer Resistent Plant List for Central Sierra - Fact: There are no deer resistant plants. But there are plants that most deer will not eat if there is an abundance of food. Most of the plants listed in this document will not be eaten by deer if there is another choice; however this is not a guarantee they won't at least take a sample now and then.
Master Gardener Program - UC-trained volunteers extend research-based information to the public about home horticulture and pest management. The information is provided to the public in classes, telephone hot-lines, at community events and in demonstration gardens.